Safety First: How DGE Ensures Safe Electrical Installations

When it comes to electrical work, safety is a top priority. Or it should be anyway!

For DGE, the safety of the site, our team and the other contractors is always at the front of our minds. Which is why we have such stringent safety practices.

Safety is entwined in everything we do.

Right from pre-employment to our day-to-day operations, we are always considering how we can best protect everyone and everything involved in a project.

Here’s how we do that…


Starting At The Very Beginning

One of the very first safety precautions we adopt is to conduct a pre-employment check on any electrician or electrical engineer wanting to join our team. This not only protects the individual against harm, but also protects the entire site.

By having critical information upfront, we can ensure we provide the safest environment possible for both our team and our clients.


Equipping The Team

The next big consideration is induction and safety training. Each of our team members will attend mandatory Site Safe training to ensure they are as safe as possible every time they step onto a job site. They also receive first aid training so they know how to react if a medical incident does occur.

From there, we do a deeper dive into job specific safety training for the team members that need it. For example, some will undertake additional training in areas such as Elevated Work Platform and Work at Heights training, as well as Confined Space, Supervisor and specific Health & Safety training.

This ensures everyone has the awareness and skills to safely undertake their role. And if we discover that further training is needed for individual team members, this will be organised accordingly.



As electrical contractors, we need to ensure our business meets the necessary safety standards. So, we work hard to obtain and maintain the required certifications to demonstrate that.

We currently hold the following certifications:

Site Safe Registered: We are a Site Safe accredited business and all our employees are Site Safe certified.

Education: Our team are all encouraged to upskill and develop their skills via education, they all hold either a National Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Level 4) or a Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical Engineering).

Totika: A nationally recognised prequalification system, Totika allows contractors to demonstrate their high level of commitment to safety standards on an annual basis. The complex requirements needed to obtain Totika accreditation mean others in the industry may not hold this certification and DGE is one of the first electrical contractors to be awarded it.


On The Job

Health and Safety is not just something that happens on paper. For DGE, health, safety and welfare are fundamental objectives onsite and company-wide.

We ensure safety remains at the forefront by:

Site Specific Safety Plans: Each project has a site specific plan individually created by our Health and Safety team. Before this plan is created, a site visit is conducted, any risks are identified and a tailored solution is developed accordingly. As a living document, the Safety Plan then gets updated if any further risks are identified or the project scope changes.

Site Induction: Once a Safety plan has been created, each team member on the job will need to be inducted to that plan so they understand the safety expectations for each project. If a contractor joins partway through a project, they will also attend the same safety induction.

Pre-Start Meetings: Every day, the team on each job site will undertake a pre-start meeting. This covers the plan for the day and raises any specific safety concerns. It is also the forum to discuss any new hazards that have been identified so that everyone remains up to date on the latest info.

Safe Work Method Standards: Each day all team members will sign into the cloud-based Safe Work Method Standards app to get a clear picture of where each job is placed and what safety considerations are in place.

Information Sharing: The Pre Start meeting also creates an opportunity to discuss incidents or risks identified at different DGE job sites. This information is shared with our entire team so everyone can learn as the specific incidents may never have been thought of before. We can use Safe Work Method standards to share this information also, it gives a great visibility that educates everyone.


At The Top Level

It all starts from the top and flows down to the most junior team members. Health and Safety is a consideration that is prioritised by our management team. We have these high level measures in place:

Safety Partner: To ensure we remain at the top of our game, we have an independent safety partner – Karm Safety Management. As an objective party, Karm will conduct safety inspections and review our on-the-ground safety practices. Our management team then have monthly meetings with them to discuss the findings and create new safety solutions if needed.

Health Monitoring: The health of our staff is a major priority for DGE. That’s why we offer regular health monitoring for all 65 of our team members. Our team have their blood pressure, lung efficiency, eyesight and general health assessed. We also offer an EAP system that our entire team can access for mental health or wellbeing concerns.

Management Meetings: Our safety actions are led by our management team. Leading by example, we regularly conduct high level meetings to discuss Health and Safety, ensuring this important area always remains a priority.


Choose The Safe Electricians

As you can see, safety is embedded in everything we do. A major priority, we work hard to ensure our job sites are as safe as possible, so are the team members that work within them.

If safety is important to you, then our team is the ultimate choice for all your electrical needs. Contact us today to discuss your next project.